
No more, to mourn

on choosing to rise and not to set.

My Testimony

On an ever expanding Hell...

Read then of faith; That shone above the fagot,

O' hear the cry of the uncleav'd womb

on the dictatorship and absolutism of scientific thought

On Mothers' Eve.

A new take on Pascal's Wager

On Male equality and Female ordination.

on becoming, how our sorrows drive us to the house of prayer

On Living with Autism, and keeping a Covenant.

On the inheritance, Male and Female

On cheap grace.

On Gloria's touch.

On Parenting and Fatherhood.

On The Flavor of Lipstick

for he shall save his people from their sins

5 Kinds of Mormon

Robert Kirby "On Staying Mormon"

On gaining a friendship

On the Sauls in our lives