
The Choice ...

Together, and Apart

On why God weeps

To preserve our future...

On her Death

To luv...a choice?!

ON Mommas’ Afghan.

On life or is it death.

No more, to mourn

on choosing to rise and not to set.

My Testimony

On an ever expanding Hell...

Read then of faith; That shone above the fagot,

O' hear the cry of the uncleav'd womb

on the dictatorship and absolutism of scientific thought

On Mothers' Eve.

A new take on Pascal's Wager

On Male equality and Female ordination.

on becoming, how our sorrows drive us to the house of prayer

On Living with Autism, and keeping a Covenant.

On the inheritance, Male and Female

On cheap grace.

On Gloria's touch.

On Parenting and Fatherhood.

On The Flavor of Lipstick

for he shall save his people from their sins

5 Kinds of Mormon

Robert Kirby "On Staying Mormon"

On gaining a friendship