On Newtonian Rationalisation
Newton may have been,
the first modern rationalist, or last medieval magician, a modern Merlin.
The rate of acceleration may increase
In positive and negative proportions
Calculus is a measurement
of the rate of change.
First shared with the world,
in "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"
He then rationalized the motions,
of the planets,
published the results,
in the Principia,
after decades of Bible Study.
in his day, the University of Cambridge,
was established to train young men,
for ordination and then graduation.
He then began an intense study of the Bible
in preparation for this ordination.
He discovered a non-trinitarian god
with body parts and passions in his studies.
In his day, this discovery was a capital offense,
leading to death and destruction in fire.
So, he suppressed his knowledge, as he pondered his ordination
The king, not wanting to lose his valued mathematician, gave him a dispensation to avoid this ordination.
Was he then the last magician,
with his studies of Alchemy.
On his death, it was discovered
that two-thirds of his writings
were about religion and not natural philosophy.
His followers suppressed these writings for the next two centuries.
These are the shadows,
on the walls of the cave,
I wish my fellow travelers could learn to recognize.
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