on the Virtue in Lumpy Dick

Again, it is the end ,
Of the month.

She has stretched the pay, 
Tightly now, nearly to break.

Once more there will be meat, 
Next month

For know there is Lumpy Dick.

She may have cooked it first,
On the banks of the West Cache Canal,
Near Winder Idaho.

In the one room cabin, near where father
Grew crops,  sufficient, to feed the clan.

She is the one who mother's them now,
And then, after Eva and their mom departed.

I know little of it's contents, 
Mostly boiled milk and flour,
Perhaps, flavored with molasses or drippings.

It may have had the texture 
Of wallpaper paste.

If visitors arrived mid-meal
Water would be added.

There was always just, and enough,
Lumpy Dick.

She is that way, this she then feels,
The need, and always to mother.

So if the gruel, was thin,
It was always shared,
With love for all.


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