On the town triangle
On occasion Nora visited,
the town triangle,
in Kemmer WY.
Their a sister,
of marriage but not birth,
lived, nearby.
Who knows or remembers,
Maybe to.eacape the deaths
of Leo and Nada,
a husband and daughter,
taken too soon.
In Kemmer there was,
the former Golden Rule Store,
the J.C.Penney estate,
and the mother store refounded,
a couple decades before.
on the three corners
of the town, triangle.
Between these were the bars,
of the infamous bar crawl.
Late night, Nora and her sister,
would put their young ones,
to bed and then begin
the bar crawl.
When the young ones knew,
Nora and the sister had began,
a bar crawl, one bar ahead,
of Nora, and the sister,
they would begin a bar crawl.
When it became time for Nora,
and sister to change bars,
friends on the look out,
would send them out the back,
to the next bar.
Nanny told me many times,
of this story, while growing up.
Not sure why this story matters,
or why nanny shared it,
but I share it with you,
with a wink and smile,
for you, to share.
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