A Covenant Renewed
The Cloud
The Rainbow
The sign in the Heavens.
What then of the Covenant,
It was not the first rainbow,
Why then, now a renewal,
On the Third Day, God separated,
waters above, and below.
Above it falls, splitting the light,
thus created the bow, above,
the below.
Yet man was not,
to till, the soil.
Then come Adam and Eve,
a promise and a covenant,
begins, anew.
When Cain murders Abel,
then begins, a descent,
Into chaos.
With the times of sin and death,
comes the end, in destruction.
God will Baptize the Earth,
with water.
After flood comes rebirth,
Noah then a new Adam,
and the Covenant becomes,
renewed this day.
The rainbow then,
a sign of renewal,
as the bread and wine,
are a renewal, today.
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