On the Coke bottle.

There it sits,
among her most cherished,
possessions, a Coke bottle,

The president of Coca Cola,
produced a new formula,
for New Coke.

Tested unlabeled,
he had indeed,
improved it's flavor.

Released to world,
immediately was it hated,
by it's fans.

They had loved it.
for decades,
and would not tolerate,
this change.

Released then was it, again,
in its classic form.

He purchased this Classic Coke,
rebottled, by the Yazoo Bottling Company,
on that Mississippi Delta,
while serving, the good saints,
he longs for, now.

She knows, though little understood,
by the both of them, 
why it important, to him.

So she cares for this little bottle,
for decades now, as she cares for him,
for their children,
and the keepsakes from her childhood.


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