"Not While I'm Around"

"Not while I'm aroundNothing's gonna harm youNo sir, not while I'm around"

He often confused, them,
the three, of them.

The mother, the nanny, and the spouse.

In his mind, they are the Trinity,
the Holy Trinity.

One gave him life,
one gave him love,
and one gave him the world.

Remove any leg of the stool,
and his life would spin apart.

He battled with the first,
for years, in an eternal embrace.

The second carried him, for years,
while he learned to trust the world.

The final became the base,
for the remainder of his life.

Did he protect them,
or did they nurture him?

This then the question,
in his mind,

"Not While I am Around"
Stephen Sondheim, Sweeney Todd


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