On being like Divinity

His wife, like Divinity, is best appreciated in small amounts. This is a line he received from the Muze.

Divinity comes in two varieties. We will speak of the candy first. 

Divinity is a candy his aunts made him in his youth. It is served at fancy parties or wedding receptions.  It is made from beaten egg whites like the meringue topping on a cream pie. Some people like to combine it with small nuts. Beaten egg whites are gently blended with sugar and corn syrup in a mixing bowl, then dropped onto a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. 

Working with Divinity is a skill that can take years to acquire.  If dropped too soon, it puddles on the cookie sheet.  When not gently blended, the syrupy mixture will melt the meringue in the mixing bowl.

It is better anticipated than consumed.  Anticipation is its natural gift. One quickly learns that a tiny piece is more than enough to finish at a setting because of the high sugar content. It reminds him of Manna. Manna is the substance that Jehovah gave to the Children of Israel in the wilderness. The Children of Isreal were instructed to gather it daily, with a double portion on the sixth day because it was not provided on the seventh day.  A double portion gathered on any other day spoiled the following day.  Because Divinity is made from egg whites, it will not last more than a few days in a humid room. 

Working with his wife is a skill that has taken him years to learn. She is like Golde, Tevye's wife in The Fiddler on the Roof.  She is dedicated to nurturing her husband and family, but she does not mince words and is very direct and to the point. 

They shared few interests when they married and share less so today. He knew she enjoyed being with and helping him even when little conversation he shared.  She tried at first, but in his failure to reply, she learned to live a quiet life together. 

Now they share one life in two homes, he anticipates his weekly visits, to learn more of her life that week.  He quickly discovers she has little to share, and he is the one seeking to continue the conversation. 

She is the last thing on his mind at night and the first thing he thinks of in the morning. He is sending her daily text messages and tiny pieces of poetry, songs, and essays.  Seeking to nurture and rebuild their relationship, he damaged so long ago. 

The second kind of Divinity is the one he is studying now. He is learning he has Heavenly Parents, and the second member of the Eternal Parenthood is female.  She has been there, silently in the background this lifetime listening on the pray party line.  When she discovers a need,  she provides a solution often through the intervention of his wife and sister. 

He now recognizes his wife is like Divinity, a fact he now appreciates. She is a shadow or reflection of his Eternal Mother. She is helping him to understand his Eternal Mother's influence.  The intervention of the Eternal Mother is helping to breach this silence he created between them so long ago. 

Fiddler on the roof - Do you love me


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