Why we build temples.

We as Mormons build temples for a very unique reason. The first modern temple built was at Kirtland Ohio.  It was built not as a place to worship a god but a place for our Heavenly Parents to be with their children.  The knew the world they had created was a dirty place.  It was a world full of sin and degradation. They knew, when they sent our first earthly parents, Adam and Eve, that it would be so.  It was part of their plan, for us to learn, to be like them.  Still, they wanted to be with their children again. So they ask Joseph to built them a temple, where they could be with their children again and anew.

In our first fifty years, we built very few chapels and churches. We build four temples, and The Endowment House and a Social Hall before we ever build a church.  We inherited one chapel, from the United Brethren in England when the entire congregation joined the Mormon church.  This was quickly sold to fund their immigration to Utah. It seems we preferred to worship in open-walled boweries, similar to our park pavilions today.

Today, because of a global pandemic we have lost the use of our chapels and temples.  We now worship in our homes, like our ancient parents did, in Isreal. We know not how long this will continue. We have been stripped of all the programs that form a religion and we are left with our family, the sacrament, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I hope we remember this time, and teach our children of these times, and remember what true religion should be.  “ Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27


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