On Vulgar Notions

Part the First: The Blue Ceiling.

How many times had she been in this position,
Late night sharing an intimacy.
Young love when it was good for her,
before the children.

Then later,
when to fill his needs,
it all became routine,
So, she painted the ceiling blue.

How to then return,
to the intimacy of youth.

When it was good for her,
for him,
for them?

Part the second: A vulgar notion.

A lover says, 
it was good for me.

A prostitute says, 
was it good for you.

A wife says, blue blue, 
I think I will paint,
the ceiling blue.

"I believe firmly in the value of all vulgar notions, especially of vulgar jokes. When once you have got hold of a vulgar joke, you may be certain that you have got hold of a subtle and spiritual idea."
(G.K. Chesterton, All Things Considered)


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