On Mary and Elizabeth
In death they share chapel,
in this life, they share, a son,
and a possibility,
Their two countries separated,
by their two crowns
Mary sought, in rebellion to preserve a crown,
the crown of the Scots.
Now that crown rests on her son.
the infant child.
Elizabeth too had the crown,
thrust on her too,
the bastard child, of a king,
or was she?
Elizabeth, a child , of her own,
never now to have,
or husband to share, one with,
Thrust on the child then,
was their crowns
Now sharing in death,
what they shared not in life.
Two countries, a child,
and then, a burial place ...
This poem is about Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I of England.
Mary's Son James VI of Scotland became James I of England. He inherited the English Crown. He had Mary and Elizabeth buried in sepulchre's in the family chapel in Westminster Abby.
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