Still know I not,
The poetry,
Comes forth.
Long did it rest,
Rest, in My soul
Rest, in My soul
Then whence,
was it, still.
Their it, to lie,
the truth, it no more.
Then more, no less,
It ly'th, no more.
“Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry.” ― William Butler Yeats
To be'still my soul,
Come'th it now..
Invited I not,
yet come'th, then forth.
This talent, long buried ...
lay dormant it still.
To this, then the garden...
the garden, my soul.
Tragedy, brought for'th,
To cultivate, thus,
This, to the muze,
be grateful, ther'by.
From whence,
doeth it come.
Come'th it does,
To now and then
Then and now
come'th it still
still to my heart
come'th it now
Still doeth it come
To'be quiet my soul
My soul to be'stilll
Doth quiet it now.
To reveal is to hide
Remaith their, still.
April 4, 2016