On Plato's Cave
Success and family was what, then he saught, always.
Long lived they in the cave.
The images that surrounded, them.
Were they real, or naught.
The others, outside, had such expectations.
He wanted to be with them too.
To be with them, this he could naught.
So he lived two lives, between the real and the cave.
Someday he would be naught.
Maybe his God would judge him naught.
But leave them, in the cave, he could naught.
Until they freed themselves.
Was it not the cave, Plato's cave.
Escape it once he did, almost.
But return then he must.
They could not see the real for the image.
For to leave them he could bare, naught.
So this then, was his task.
To be with them, and strengthen them, until they freed their own chains.
Then together they would leave the cave...
Tobe their naught.
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