On the Direction of Another One's Vice

Ask your own heart, and nothing is so plain;
'Tis to mistake them, costs the time and pain.
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien*,
As, to be hated,
needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure,
then pity,
then embrace.
But where th’ extreme of vice, was ne’er agreed:
Ask where’s the north?
at York, ’tis on the Tweed;
In Scotland, at the Orcades;
and there,
At Greenland, Zembla,
or the Lord knows where.

No creature owns it in the first degree,
But thinks his neighbour farther gone than he;
Even those who dwell beneath its very zone,
Or never feel the rage, or never own;
What happier nations shrink at with affright,
The hard inhabitant contends is right.
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man
*Definition of MIEN
1: air or bearing especially as expressive of attitude or personality
: demeanor <of aristocratic mien>
1: air or bearing especially as expressive of attitude or personality
: demeanor <of aristocratic mien>
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