... his death as a minor side note.

To day the Legion was organized according to the appointment last Sunday. There was two Regiment formed one of horse & one foot constituting the First & Second Cohorts.
Daniel H. Wells Major General. | Willard Snow Major 1 B. 1 R. 1 C. |
J. M. Grant Brigr Gen First Cohort | Ira Eldrege do 2 B. 1 R. 1 C. |
H. S. Eldredge do do Second Do. | A. Lytle - do 1 B 2 R. 2 C. |
John S. Fulmer Col 1st R. 1st C. | H. Herriman – do 2 B. 2 R. 2 C. |
John Scott Col 1st R. 2 C. |
There was Companies organized. I fell into 2 C. 2 B. 1 R. 1 C. Benjm F. Johnson Capt Having the honor of being first Lieut my-self. This is rising some in the world. Because when the Legion was organized in 1840 I held the office of Second Leut whereas I am now promoted a little.
One circumstance took place today which I never saw before John Pack & John D. Lee were each put in nomination for Majors by regular authority & both most contemptestously hissed down. When any person is thus duly nominated I never before knew the people to reject it But on this occasion it appears that they are both a perfect stink in every body's nose The reasons of which is not needful to relate.
(Journal of Hosea Stout)
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