A Queen's Prayer

O  Lord God Father everlasting, which reignest over over the Kingdom of men,
and givest them of thy pleasure: which of thy great mercy hast chosen thy servant and handmaid to feed thy people and thine inheritance: so teach me, I humbly beseech thee, thy word, and so strengthen me with thy grace, that I may feed thy people with a faithful and a true heart;  and rule them prudently with power.

O Lord, thou hast set me on high, my flesh is frail and weak.  If I therefore anytime forget thee, touch my heart O Lord that I may again remember thee.  If I swell against thee, pluck me down in my own conceit.

Create therefore in me O Lord a new heart and so renew my spirit within me that thy law may be study,  thy truth my delight; thy church my care:  thy people my crown. 

(Elizabeth Tudor, Queen of England)

[O Book of Devotions Composed by Her Majesty, with translations by Adam Fox (Gerrards Cross, Buckinghampshire, 1970),  pp 41-42


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