From the Life of George Albert Smith
When he was 34 years old, George Albert Smith made a list of resolutions that he called his “personal creed”—11 ideals that he committed to live by:
- “I would be a friend to the friendless and find joy in ministering to the needs of the poor.
- “I would visit the sick and afflicted and inspire in them a desire for faith to be healed.
- “I would teach the truth to the understanding and blessing of all mankind.
- “I would seek out the erring one and try to win him back to a righteous and a happy life.
- “I would not seek to force people to live up to my ideals but rather love them into doing the thing that is right.
- “I would live with the masses and help to solve their problems that their earth life may be happy.
- “I would avoid the publicity of high positions and discourage the flattery of thoughtless friends.
- “I would not knowingly wound the feelings of any, not even one who may have wronged me, but would seek to do him good and make him my friend.
- “I would overcome the tendency to selfishness and jealousy and rejoice in the successes of all the children of my Heavenly Father.
- “I would not be an enemy to any living soul.
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith, 2010, Chapter 1.)
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