... redneck humor, vulgar notions, or being cockney
believe firmly in the value of all vulgar notions, especially of vulgar jokes.
When once you have got hold of a vulgar joke, you may be certain that you have
got hold of a subtle and
spiritual idea. The men who made the joke saw something deep which they could
not express except by something silly and emphatic. They saw something delicate
which they
could only express by something indelicate. ..... In order to understand vulgar
humour it is not enough to be humorous. One must also be vulgar, as I am.
(G.K. Chesterton, All Things Considered, P.11)
adjective /vəlgər/
1. Lacking
sophistication or good taste; unrefined
* - the
vulgar trappings of wealth
2. Making explicit
and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude
* - a vulgar
3. Characteristic of or belonging to the
(Google, dictionary)
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