On Spiritual Death

  In Gethsemane, Christ was separated from his Eternal Father for a brief time. 

  • This was an Eternal separation. 
  • This was Spiritual Death.  

The Eternal Father, seeking a mediator for mankind  sent the Emmanuel (God is with us) to Earth.    

The Eternal Father desired his mediator to develop empathy. This empathy is developed through life's common experiences. 

 Our spiritual disconnection from the Eternal God is a consequence of sin.  

Jesus Christ, the son, being sinless, had not experienced Spiritual Death, or separation from The Father.  "The Eternal Father" wanted his son "The Emmanuel"  to experience Spiritual Death.

The son became "Yeshua Ben Joseph",  (the man)  that he might understand our condition, to better mediate our journey of redemption.

(see John Milton, Paradise Regained; Book I: 85-99)
[Thus we are instructed by the  Demon]


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